The VitaSource

Welcome to our store! We are committed to bringing you the most effective, highest quality, and practical health formulas from around the world. All of our ingredients are natural, safe, and time-proven. We strive to provide you with the best products to help you achieve radiant health.

The Vita Source is honored to bring to you carefully curated offerings, including rare and precious hand-crafted healing remedies according to the ancient wisdom of the Motherland by the Dogon Tribe. Our hope is that these healing products will make a lasting beneficial impact on your life.

The VitaSource

Alchemy of Health

Bitter Tea

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Bitter Tea


Introducing Ivorian Bitter Tea - the 100% natural tea made from leaves and bark stems from a rare tree known in the Motherland for its healing properties. According to ancient wisdom it is a powerful tea for both preventive and curative use, and is said to help regenerate cells, strengthen the immune system, and rejuvenate the body.

The Ivorian Bitter Tea has a long list of health benefits. According to ancient wisdom, it can treat different types of cancer, diabetes, hypertension, blood diseases, sexual weakness, premature ejaculation, cholesterol, hemorrhoids, sexual infertility, sexual impotence, respiratory problems, nerve problems, ulcer problems, and many other diseases.

In addition to its many health benefits, Ivorian Bitter Tea has been known to help overcome physical fatigue, sleep disorders, breathing difficulties, swelling of the feet, nerve problems, unexplained weight loss, and hip pain.

For those struggling with prostate issues, Ivorian Bitter Tea can make a significant difference. Simply drink the tea and observe an improvement in your ability to urinate effortlessly. For women experiencing early menopause or irregular menstrual cycles, Ivorian Bitter Tea can be a natural remedy.

It's important to note that Ivorian Bitter Tea is strictly prohibited for pregnant women. For everyone else, this powerful and natural drink can help improve your overall health and wellness.

Poderoso té para uso preventivo y sanador, ayuda a regenerar las células, fortalecer el sistema inmunológico y a rejuvenecer el cuerpo.

Ayuda a superar la fatiga física, los trastornos del sueño, las dificultades respiratorias, la hinchazón de los pies, los problemas nerviosos, la pérdida de peso inexplicable y el dolor de cadera.

Bitter Tea está estrictamente prohibido para las mujeres embarazadas.


  • Retira y deja a un lado el paquetito plateado que contiene la bolsita de té. No lo enjuagues ni lo utilices. Ahora enjuaga las hojas y la corteza durante 15 minutos.

    Hierve toda la bolsa de té amargo lavada en 5 litros de agua. Déjalo hervir a fuego lento durante 50 minutos.

    Cuela para separar las hojas y la corteza del té líquido. Deja enfriar el té y guárdalo en el refrigerador.

    Hierve de nuevo las hojas y la corteza en otros 5 litros de agua durante 50 minutos.

    Guarda el té líquido en el refrigerador y desecha las hojas y la corteza.

Instrucciones de consumo

  • Como agua de uso: Bebe 2 tazas de té caliente después de las comidas durante 6 semanas. 

    Uso en cuadros agudos: Bebe 3 tazas de té caliente al día, después de las comidas.

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Introducing Ivorian Bitter Tea - the 100% natural tea made from leaves and bark stems from a rare tree known in the Motherland for its healing properties. According to ancient wisdom it is a powerful tea for both preventive and curative use, and is said to help regenerate cells, strengthen the immune system, and rejuvenate the body.

The Ivorian Bitter Tea has a long list of health benefits. According to ancient wisdom, it can treat different types of cancer, diabetes, hypertension, blood diseases, sexual weakness, premature ejaculation, cholesterol, hemorrhoids, sexual infertility, sexual impotence, respiratory problems, nerve problems, ulcer problems, and many other diseases.

In addition to its many health benefits, Ivorian Bitter Tea has been known to help overcome physical fatigue, sleep disorders, breathing difficulties, swelling of the feet, nerve problems, unexplained weight loss, and hip pain.

For those struggling with prostate issues, Ivorian Bitter Tea can make a significant difference. Simply drink the tea and observe an improvement in your ability to urinate effortlessly. For women experiencing early menopause or irregular menstrual cycles, Ivorian Bitter Tea can be a natural remedy.

It's important to note that Ivorian Bitter Tea is strictly prohibited for pregnant women. For everyone else, this powerful and natural drink can help improve your overall health and wellness.

Poderoso té para uso preventivo y sanador, ayuda a regenerar las células, fortalecer el sistema inmunológico y a rejuvenecer el cuerpo.

Ayuda a superar la fatiga física, los trastornos del sueño, las dificultades respiratorias, la hinchazón de los pies, los problemas nerviosos, la pérdida de peso inexplicable y el dolor de cadera.

Bitter Tea está estrictamente prohibido para las mujeres embarazadas.


  • Retira y deja a un lado el paquetito plateado que contiene la bolsita de té. No lo enjuagues ni lo utilices. Ahora enjuaga las hojas y la corteza durante 15 minutos.

    Hierve toda la bolsa de té amargo lavada en 5 litros de agua. Déjalo hervir a fuego lento durante 50 minutos.

    Cuela para separar las hojas y la corteza del té líquido. Deja enfriar el té y guárdalo en el refrigerador.

    Hierve de nuevo las hojas y la corteza en otros 5 litros de agua durante 50 minutos.

    Guarda el té líquido en el refrigerador y desecha las hojas y la corteza.

Instrucciones de consumo

  • Como agua de uso: Bebe 2 tazas de té caliente después de las comidas durante 6 semanas. 

    Uso en cuadros agudos: Bebe 3 tazas de té caliente al día, después de las comidas.


    1. Rinse the leaves and bark for 15 minutes. Please remove and set aside the little silver package contained in the tea bag. Do not rinse it or use it.

    2. Boil the entire bag of washed Bitter Tea in 5 liters of water. Let it simmer for 50 minutes.

    3. Strain to separate the leaves and bark from the liquid tea. Let the tea cool down and store it in the fridge.

    4. Boil the leaves and bark again, in another 5 liters of water for 50 minutes.

    5. Store the liquid tea in the fridge and discard the leaves and bark.

  • Drink 2 warmed cups of tea after meals, for 6 weeks.

  • Drink 3 warmed cups of tea per day, after a meal.